Sci-Five #3: What does Spider-Man eat for breakfast?

Before The Amazing Spider-Man that all of you are familiar with, there was a pretty good Spider-Man Trilogy back in 2002 as well. In The Amazing Spider-Man, Peter Parker uses the little device he created to shoot out artificial spider webs.


(Spider-Fail with the webs)

  But in the 2002 version of Spider-Man, Spider-Man is actually able to shoot out webs from his veins because his new “Spider Powers” allowed his body to produce the Spiderwebs!

(Notice how Spider-Man shot out a long string of web from his body)

  Okay so assuming the web he shot out is of the same material as regular spiderwebs, it means that Peter Parker actually has to eat a lot of eggs to give himself enough protein to produce all those webs! How many eggs does he have to eat? 10? 20? 100?

  Since Spiderwebs are made up of mostly protein and each egg has around 6 grams of protein, Spider-Man actually only has to eat around 15 eggs for every 100 meter of web he shoots out.


  The Spiderweb that he shoots out uses a different kind of protein called Fibroin. Proteins from eggs will not all be converted into the Spiderweb. So Spider-Man actually needs to eat around 60 eggs for every 100 meters of web he shoots out!


(Spider-Man shooting many webs to stop the train from falling off)

  In cases such as this, Spider-Man’s web will actually have to be thicker to withstand the force of the speeding train! This means that during an average rescue mission where he catches a falling citizen and swinging her to safety will actually require him to eat about 900 eggs in the morning! Shocking right? It turns out the trait you need to become Spider-Man is not courage, responsibility or even a radioactive Spider bite. What you truly need is a really humongous appetite!

Will you be willing to eat 900 eggs every day just to be Spider-Man? Are there better food sources out there to provide sufficient protein?


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