Sci-Five #2: Robots Are Living Inside Your Body!

Oh no! The robot invasion is here! Humanity is doomed…not really. For many years, scientists have been trying to use Nanobots to improve our lives. Nanobots are robots that are so small, they are about the size of viruses. So what can Nanobots do? The reason why they are so small is because scientists plan to place millions of them inside our body. These Nanobots can travel inside our blood vessels and serve our body.

(This is Peter Parker using his Nanobots to cover his skin with a layer of Spiderman costume!)

  No, our Nanobots are not able to cover us with a Spiderman costume or even an Iron Man Armour like what Tony Stark did in the comics. However, Nanobots are able to do incredible things such as kill cancer cells before they spread, kill off deadly viruses and even monitor our body conditions! Nanobots are robots that can be programmed to do almost anything! Recently we have successfully used Nanobots to deliver Nanoparticles (which means particles that are nano sized) inside an animal!


(Kind of like having your own FedEx Truck inside your body, delivering what you want!)

  The Nanobots are using a very special kind of motor to propel themselves and move around inside the animal’s body! Are the Nanobots using wheels? Wings? Nope. They are using a metal called Zinc! When Zinc is inside the animal’s body, the acidity of the surroundings will react with Zinc and produce a gas known as Hydrogen! The gas is then built up and released, shooting the robot forward like a rocket!

(Gas from the balloon comes out from the rear and propels the car)

(Similarly, an Octopus shoots out a stream of water from the rear to propel itself)

  Or like here in this rocket. Gas is built up to propel the bottle! You can try something similar with a balloon!

  If you are able to control millions of Nanobots in your body, what will you make them do? Destroy Cancer cells? Monitor your sugar level? Deliver nutrients to your body parts? The possibilities are endless!


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