Testing 4 for #0

Are you tired of Earth’s beautiful nature? Sick of seeing amazing rivers and beautiful flowers? Want to learn how to visit an entire planet full of dirt and dirt only? You are in the right place! But you are not alone! Many people want to visit Mars and a robot named Curiosity is already on…

Testing 3 for #0

How can you possibly create objects out of thin air? How can you touch and feel air? You must be an Airbender right? (This is Aang, an airbender. The cartoon is old but Okto keeps replaying it so we’re sure you’ve seen it) You don’t have to be an Airbender to feel air! Blow very…

Testing 2 for #0

Trying to look cool? Trying to look handsome? Trying to look like a Man? Forget the hairspray. Forget the stylish bags. There are 2 things you can do to make yourself look way more attractive!                                        …

Testing 1 for #0

Have you watched The Avengers? Frozen? What about Guardians Of The Galaxy? If there are any exciting movies you want to watch or cartoons you want to download, you will have to wait a few hours for it to be downloaded! But not anymore!   Recently, scientists have discovered a way to bend light using…